24-0304 Korean TOPIK Class
7 weeks program / Sun. 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Service Description
1:1 개별 맞춤 한글 TOPIK 수업 본 수업은 Ms.Lim 선생님 수업을 기존에 들었거나, 현재 듣고 있는 학생에 한하여 수강 신청가능하십니다. Here classes are for a student who is currently having or had a teaching by Ms.Lim. Focus Areas: - Advanced Korean Lesson - TOPIK II Class Structure: 학생 개별 맞춤 수업 진행 The class will be tailored to the learning development of each individual child and focus on their areas of weakness. Online class through Zoom for 1 hour each week and homework feedback on student work through zoom class * All classes' time is based on Pacific Standard Time. 7 weeks program March 10, 17, 24, 31 April 14, 21,28 / Sun 5:00pm - 6:00pm No Class on April 7th * If you have any other questions related to classes, please feel free to contact us by email. ( keppohelp@gmail.com )
Contact Details