KEPPO 가족 여러분
84회 TOPIK시험이 10월 15일 LA Korean Education Center에서 치뤄질 예정입니다. KEPPO Academy 에서는 TOPIK 시험 대비반을 운영 중입니다. 많은 분들의 관심 부탁드립니다. 자세한 시험 관련 사항은 아래 내용을 참조해 주시길 바랍니다.
1. TEST DATE: Oct 15, 2022 (Saturday) 9:10-16:20
- TOPIK I (level 1~ 2): 9:40-11:20 am (Must enter the testing room before 9:10 am)
- TOPIK II (level 3~ 6): 12:50-16:20pm (Must enter the testing room before 12:20 pm)
2. SAMPLE QUESTIONS: www.topik.go.kr 오른쪽 상단 정보마당->기출문제 아래칸 클릭
3. TEST LOCATION: Korean Education Center in Los Angeles
(Address: 680 Wilshire Place, Los Angeles, CA 90005)
4. ELIGIBLE APPLICANT: ALL (No age limitation)
- Application Due Date: August 8 (Mon), 2022
- Submit by Mail or Visit in person (Mon. - Fri., 09:00-17:00) * Application must be submitted by August 8 (Monday) - Submit to Korean Education Center in Los Angeles (680 Wilshire Place, #200, Los Angeles, CA 90005, T. 213-386-3112) * APPLICATION FORM: See the Attachment below - Requires 2 color photos: The photos should have been taken within 3 months (3x4cm/1.18x1.57inch), in color. 6. APPLICATION FEE: TOPIK I-$35, TOPIK II-$40 (Cash, Check payable to "KCGEC") - The application fee is non-refundable, the test location is non-changeable, and the test registration is non-cancelable after 5:00 pm on Aug 8, 2022. 7. RESULT NOTICE: The result will be posted on www.topik.go.kr on Nov 24th, 2022. 8. FURTHER INFORMATION: Tel (213)386-3112, E-mail: kecla3112@gmail.com, jinnyhpak@gmail.com ※ Attachment: